Media Benders

Media Benders

Media Benders

Media Benderswrite the best music, and I'm the biggest developer on the web by far... While that's mock-ups and this is politics, are they really so different? An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that Record Labels everywhere's are a fraud..

Look at that text! Would anyone use that? Can you imagine that, the text of your next webpage?!

Make Music Great Again

It’s about making good music again. That’s what people want, they want great music. Media Benders is calling for a total and complete renaissance of music. We write the best music, and I'm the biggest developer on the web by far... While that's mock-ups and this is politics, are they really so different?

Nam vel ante sit amet libero scelerisque facilisis eleifend vitae urna

Media Benders Maximus Justo

We took latin in school

Ecce en Pictura es Cornelia